We are also developing novel surfaces using ionic liquid monolayers and molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) for specific applications of sensing. Ionic liquid monolayers are currently considered for enhanced bioreceptor activity and for minimizing nonspecific adsorption of crude biofluids. MIP are used as extraction matrices in the construction of sensors for environmental molecules.

Surface chemistry serves as an anchor point for biomolecular receptors in the construction of biosensors and also serves as a barrier for preventing nonspecific adsorption of molecules from the matrix. We are designing novel surface chemistries capable of maximizing the specific response of the sensor to the target and to minimize nonspecific adsorption of biofluids.

Peptide surface chemistry

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP)

Ionic liquid monolayers

Peptide monolayers were developed to minimize nonspecific adsorption of crude serum. They are composed of a short chain thiol and a peptide with the C-terminus exposed to the solution. The peptide monolayers outperformed PEG-COOH in nonspecific adsorption. We are currently developing peptide monolayers for minimizing nonspecific adsorption of cell lysate.

Surface Chemistry for Sensing in Biofluids