Magnetic nanoparticles can extract analytes from a complex matrix and the speed of analysis can also be increased with magnetic attraction of the nanoparticle to the SPR surface using a magnet. We are syntheszing magnetic nanoparticles in combination of a modified SPR instrument with a permanent magnet for protein sensing.

Nanoparticle arrays

Nanohole arrays are investigated for the design of highly multiplexed plasmonic sensors based on a multi-well plate reader.

We are also studying the optical properties of nanohole arrays for SERS and MEF, in order to perform multiparametric sensing.

© 2025 Masson Group | conception: R. Boudries

Microhole arrays

Magnetic coreshell nanoparticles

Nanohole arrays

LSPR sensors are created on prisms for analysis with our SPR instrument.

Nanoparticles are self-assembled in densely packed arrays using polymer as a spacer, producing a film with vibrant color for use as a colorimetric sensor. 

The sensors also present high performances as SERS substrates, for use as a complementary analysis.  Sensors for testosterone and for methotrexate have been validated.

Microhole arrays enhance the sensitivity of SPR sensors in comparison to classical Au film, due to the coexcitation of localized and propagating surface plasmons. We are investigating the optical properties of microhole arrays in our SPR instrument.
